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Project Yourself and The Power of the words

Project Yourself

Project Yourself Entrepreneurship’s sole aim to empower each individual Student on multiple levels. Through the development of an entrepreneurial project about social needs to build a better world.

The main pedagogical objectives are:

-Present effectively in public

-Develop creative ideation

-Improve teamwork

-Improve their overcall confidence

And provide techniques for students to help with any stress.

The Power of the Words

The objective of the Power of the words is to aid the students in discovering, experimenting and consolidating their unique capacity to speak in public and to consolidate and improve any existing communication skills that they already have.

Through the co-creation of a safe space in which the students can feel confident to experience their environment as a type of oratory-communication laboratory, a definite progression and evolution will surely be established, as the old saying goes, practise makes perfect.

By starting from the ground up and reviewing the sometimes overlooked basics of communication, this creative intervention serves a dual purpose; reviewing the old and acquiring the new through a series of defined activities and more importantly, student proactivity and action.

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